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The new Metamorphic Petrology Group at the Institute of Earth Sciences (ISTE) in the Faculty of Geosciences and Environment invites applications for two PhD positions (up to five years) and one Postdoc position (up to three years) to participate in a project aimed at obtaining new high-resolution constraints and improving the modelling of metamorphic processes in the continental crust.
Each project project will combine fieldwork, petrology, geochemistry, experimental petrology and/or computational approaches. The research will be part of a team effort to study key metamorphic sequences in Europe and North America using micro-computed tomography, and major, minor, trace element and stable isotope mapping. These large multi-method datasets will be used to assess the degree and length scales of equilibration at peak conditions and to investigate the major petrogenetic processes associated with prolonged crustal metamorphism, such as mineral nucleation growth and modification by diffusion.
The detailed work plan will be agreed with the team members at the beginning of the project. It is expected that a significant part of the work will be devoted to the development of new analytical or numerical methods. The candidates for the PhD positions are expected to be highly motivated to aquire or develop skills in fieldwork, analytical methods (EPMA, LA-ICPMS, SIMS), experimental or computational methods (machine learning, inversion, cluster computing) and kinetics. Previous experience is an advantage but not a requirement. Internal and external collaborations with experts in petrology, geochemistry and computational approaches are planned.
The University of Lausanne and the Metamorphic Petrology Group are committed to promoting a gender balanced workforce and encourage applications from women and non- binary candidates.
Applications must be submitted by 15 April 2024 using the links below.