We have published a paper in Geoscientific Model Development describing four of the most commonly used numerical schemes for modelling chemical advection during magma transport. Any reactive transport model requires robust numerical schemes for chemical advection, and current numerical schemes vary in their ability to be mass conservative, computational efficiency and accuracy. In this study we compare the upwind scheme, a weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO-5) scheme, a semi-Lagrangian (SL) scheme and a marker-in-cell (MIC) method. The behaviour of these schemes is assessed using passive advection of two different magmatic compositions.

Mass conservation of each oxide in the melt fraction for four different advection schemes and five different spatial resolutions at the end of each simulation. The Courant number used is 0.7 for the WENO-5 and the upwind (a, b) schemes and 0.7 or 1.5 for the QMSL and the MIC (c–f) schemes. The resolutions are 100×200, 200×400, 300×600, 400×800, and 500×1000.

Find out more

Dominguez, H., Riel, N., and Lanari, P. (2024). Modelling chemical advection during magma ascent. Geoscientific Model Development, 17, 6105–6122. Download pdf | Visit the journal webpage

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