We have published in collaboration with Francesca Picolli from the group Metamorphic Geochemistry a paper in IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering outlines some important aspects of analytical procedure for quantitative compositional mapping by electron probe micro-analysis (EPMA) and laser ablation inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) along with recommended instrument operating conditions. Several artefacts affecting the maps are also discussed.

Illustration of possible electron-specimen interaction in two rock-forming minerals covering the high spectrum of mean atomic number (Z) and density (ρ). Possible effects of the pixel size (dx) on the spatial resolution of X-ray maps is discussed in this paper. Image modified from Lanari & Picolli (2020).

Find out more

Lanari, P., & Piccoli, F., (2020). New horizons in quantitative compositional mapping – Analytical conditions and data reduction using XMapTools. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 891, 012016. Download pdf | Visit the journal webpage

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