PAPER – Chemical Advection

PAPER – Chemical Advection

We have published a paper in Geoscientific Model Development describing four of the most commonly used numerical schemes for modelling chemical advection during magma transport. Any reactive transport model requires robust numerical schemes for chemical advection, and...
PAPER – Tomography & Deep Learning

PAPER – Tomography & Deep Learning

We have published a paper in the Journal of Petrology describing a novel approach to quantifying the distribution of atoll garnet in a metamorphic rock using micro-computed tomography and deep learning algorithms capable of automated textural analysis of crystal...


We have published a paper in the journal Chemical Geology describing a novel approach to data reduction and image generation for multi-element mapping employing LA-ICP- quadrupole MS (LA-ICP-QMS), implemented in the free and open-source software XMapTools. We show in...
PAPER – Arrowhead of meteoritic iron

PAPER – Arrowhead of meteoritic iron

We have published a paper in the Journal of Archaeological Science with Beda A. Hofmann from the Naturhistorisches Museum Bern describing an arrowhead made of meteoritic iron. This artefact has a mass of 2.9 g and was found in the 19th century in the Late Bronze Age...
PAPER – ITM part 2

PAPER – ITM part 2

We have published in collaboration with Jörg Hermann a paper in the Journal of Metamorphic Geology describing a new hybrid modelling strategy for thermobarometry applicable to metamorphic rocks. This contribution describes a mutually consistent strategy based on...


We have published in collaboration with Carlos E. Ganade from the Geological Survey of Brazil a paper in Nature, communications earth &environment examining the consequences of magmatic flare-ups on the deep arc environment. We used petrochronological techniques...

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